Friday, April 6, 2018

Mixed Bag

I'm making some progress - honest!

I have rather a mixed bag of birds today.

We'll start of with a Towhee...

I have several decent shots of the Acorn Woodpeckers this week.

Once in a while I fill up this feeder with loose treats (nuts).
The birds devour them.

Here's the female with a peanut. 

And one of the males.

A two for one shot - male and female.

Each with a peanut this time.

While I daily have 6-8 Steller's Jays, I only see California Scrub Jays once a week or so.


  1. Great pictures, as always! What are those round things in the feeder in the last pic?

  2. Your Basket piece is looking good, Beth. It won't be too much longer before you have a finish. What a great shot of the California Scrub Jay!

  3. Love your bunny header, Beth - so many gorgeous stitched bunnies. Lovely post, thanks for sharing.

  4. A cute little stitched piece. That was a nice assortment of birds.

  5. Those Acorn WPs are great - I love to have them in my garden.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  6. What fun to see the pair of Acorn woodpeckers at the feeders! Not sure if I should get that type of suet feeder for the balls... It might be too easy for the Grackles and Cowbirds to use! Grrr... I just heard a Towhee out under my window! By now I bet you've finished the Basket piece! Gonna be so cute!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.