Saturday, April 7, 2018

March's Trail Camera Photos - Camera #1

We've been having on-going issues with our Bushnell trail camera.  It died at the end of January.  We sent it in for repairs and Bushnell said that we should replace it, so we did with the model they suggested.  

I was less than pleased with the quality of the night shot on the replacement camera.  This is an opossum - very blurry.

The skunk photo is a bit better.

Tail raised high!

So I called Bushnell and said I was not happy.  Long story short we returned the replacement camera and got a higher quality camera this week.  I'll test it out for the first few days of April to make sure it is functioning the way I think it should.

The daytime photos on the camera are acceptable. 

Deer action shot.

More deer.

Gray squirrel.

And a bob-cat at 8:28am.


  1. How disappointing that you had trouble with the replacement. I hope this one works out better for you. The first picture is good, I think the tree shadows are causing the photos to be dark. Always exciting to see a bobcat though!

  2. Gee I hope you get that figured out... You've had no problem before... always good shots! But the daytime ones are great! Hugs!

  3. Oh Beth, I am sorry about the replacement camera. I hope this new one works the way you want it to. Hmmm, I wonder what the skunk was raising his tail at. The day time photos look great.

  4. Hope you have more success with the new one. Cheers Diane

  5. I always love seeing these pictures. I hope you are able to get things cleared up. Very frustrating that you are having trouble with the new camera.


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