Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Little Flying Creatures

What shall I stitch for April?  I'm thinking birds...
specifically this new series of European birds by The Little Stitcher.  They are available at her Etsy shop

The male hummingbirds are showing off - flying high up into the air and then dive-bombing straight down.

Here's the male Rufous.

A Pine Siskin and male Rufous.

He thinks he's pretty special!

Speaking of small flying things...this is what greeted my Mom and I as we walked to enter the house from the garage Friday evening after church.

He's either a Little Brown Bat or a California Bat.
And yes he startled me!  I said loudly, "OMG! It's a bat!"
And we went around the front door to get into the house.  He was there again Saturday evening, but I've not seen him since. 


  1. OMG! I know bats are good animals for the world, but they creep me out. lol! I think it's because once one got into our house, number one, and number two, once I had to worry about one that looked very sick and was on our driveway. This was back when we had a cat that went outside. Had to get a rabies shot for the cat just in case and got the bat tested. Ugh. Bats creep me out!

  2. He looks so big in the photo! I can imagine how startled you were! Such pretty bird patterns!

  3. Ack! NO WAY! Startled would be an understatement for me!! I would have run to the front door!!!!

  4. The birds are wonderful....I hope the bat is busy eating all your mosquitos...we could use one here in Florida this time of year (although preferably not over the door). When we re-sided our Springfield home (in our former Oregon life) we found three tiny brown and very dead bats under one loose board we pulled off. Shivery.

  5. While I know they are good to have around, I would have been startled and then wanted it removed to the tree line. Critters are welcome; just not in or on my home.

  6. OMGGGGG, the bat! So stinkin' cute!!!!

    I love those bird designs.

  7. Aww, cute little bat! They're wonderful animals. (I know, I'm in the minority here.)

  8. Bats are so cute but only from a distance and not in my house!

  9. Eeek! I am absolutely terrifies on bats--we had them in our attic in the house I grew up in and I never outgrew my childhood fear of them.

    Your April theme of bird stitching sounds perfect for you, Beth :)

  10. Warming up here, our bats will soon be back not sure where they go in winter!! Diane

  11. I would be quite shocked to see a bat hanging from any area that I used!! I would have walked around too. I think birds will be the perfect theme for April. (We are glad to be home form the sunny South)

  12. I like those bird designs... good pick to stitch next! The Rufous hummer is such a handsome guy! Bat--not so much! Yecch... even tho I know they are beneficial to keeping down bug populations! They just give me the creeps too!

  13. The hummingbird is a beauty! Bats are scary. I used to work in an old courthouse and we occasionally had a bat find his way inside the building from the clock tower. One time he was swooping around during court. It was fun watching the attorneys cowering under the tables. :)


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