Wednesday, April 4, 2018

A Host of Golden Daffodils

It's early April and a neighbor's woodland is awash in daffodils.

I think the senior family matriarch (now deceased) planted these out 40 or more years ago. 

Some of the oaks have fallen, but the daffodils have increased and spread about the edges of the woodland. 

There's a mix of pale cream and yellow.

It's a gift to everyone who passes by and takes a moment to look.

I love that each year I can look forward to this display.

There are random patches of daffodils all along the road.

Here's a collage of those I saw on my mile walk back home.


  1. I love it!! And if I lived along that mile, you know what I would plant to surprise you all, don't you? PINK daffs!!

  2. What a beautiful display!! I can't wait for them to pop up here too, such a great sign that Spring is here.

  3. Lovely daffodils! We have been seeing more of them along the roadways over the past few days. They make me smile.

  4. I love to see plantings like that... I don't see them around here very much... MY daffodils are spreading pitifully slow... And my one PINK one has disappeared! I have several packages of other bulbs to plant, but really no room... Needed to find some pots at low prices!! I did sow some of my flower seeds again...the Coreopsis-like ones...Hasn't rained since so... may have to sow more after it finally rains! Hugs!

  5. Beautiful!! I have yet to see one here this spring, Beth, so I loved your beautiful photos.

  6. They are gorgeous, mine are already over :-( Diane

  7. What an amazing sight of one of my favorite flowers!

  8. What a delight for the eyes!!! I love sunny little daffodils... they make me smile!!

  9. Fabulous 😍😍 we should all make our environments more beautiful it’s amazing what can be accomplished ♥️Thanks for sharing ...

  10. Beautiful! I just love daffys....


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