Monday, April 30, 2018

Beautiful Birds

Design - "Little Birds Calendar - Blue Tit - April"
Designer - The Little Stitcher
Fabric - 32 count Vintage Country Mocha linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 22 April 2018
Completed - 26 April 2018

This was a fun stitch - much more colorful bird than the first three month's. I discovered as I was looking through photos of my trip to England the summer of 2013 that I'd seen and photographed all the birds in this series.  So below please see my photos of a Blue Tit.  And here are the links to see my photos of the Chaffinch, European Robin, and Coal Tit.

This bird was in an Empress Tree in the Chelsea Physic Garden.

They are acrobatic birds.

Some beautiful birds have returned to Oregon in April.

I include the Violet-green Swallows as beautiful birds.

But no bird in Oregon is prettier than an male Western Tanager. 

Friday afternoon I was stunned to see one at the edge of the backyard.

Usually my first sighting of this summer migrant is around Mother's Day.

So this guy showed up a couple of weeks earlier than usual.

He was great - posed for me on three different bushes.

Several times I thought he might take the short flight to investigate my feeders.

But he never did.

He was a wonderful feathered gift to make the day extra-special.


  1. Oh my! That Western Tanager is amazing! Love seeing all the birds, including your pics of the Blue Tit. I assume that bird doesn't exist in the US?? Is that true? Love your finished stitch!

  2. That Tanager is really pretty. Love your cross-stitch. Have a good week, Diane

  3. Fantastic stitching and fabulous Western Tanager! What beauty nature provides ♥️♥️

  4. Beth, congratulations on your bird finish. What lovely colors it featured! I am glad you captured the Western Tanager. Its coloring is amazing. Enjoy your day!

  5. Your Blue Tit finish is great! Love your pictures today Beth.:)

  6. Well your Tanager is very handsome but I love the violet swallows! We have many blue tits visit our feeder every day, they are such sweet birds. That's a lovely finish.

  7. Beautiful pictures and your stitching is gorgeous also.How exciting to see the Western Tanager.

  8. The Western Tanager is, indeed, the loveliest of all!

  9. That male Western Tanager is just spectacular!!

  10. Oh, what a beautiful Western Tanager!!! Great photos.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.