Saturday, March 10, 2018


With mostly rainy icky weather this week, I did not manage to get many photos of deer or the like.

While I did see both David and Douglas (my Douglas squirrels) and a couple of chipmunks, the gray squirrels are the stars this week - and it is clear that I have at least two of them.

I haven't invested in a squirrel baffle for my set up in the front, and the gray squirrels take advantage of my oversight.

I have to admire his ingenuity!


  1. They are ingenious!! In the last photo he looks like he has a shovel coming out of his back!

  2. He must be related to the ones we have here. I do give him an 'A' for ingenuity.

  3. Ha! I really wish my squirrels would get away from my food, but they're here and I guess they have to eat, too!!! They are cute, though!

  4. Oh they are smart little characters. RJ

  5. Rascals! The ones here have not been able to penetrate my feeder setup now, and have been very diligent about cleanup below! THAT is perfect for me! Hugs!


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