Friday, March 9, 2018

Friday Flash Back

Design - "Peacock Sampler"
Designer - Earth Threads
Fabric - 25 count Cream Dublin linen
Started - 12 March 2010
Completed - 13 March 2010

Here's am older finish from back when I was first blogging, so I think many of you have never seen it. I am very pleased with the finished piece.  I've not stitched on 25 count before (I think) and at times I felt as though I was stitching a "Large Print Book"!  That aside, I very much admire what the designer was able to do using just four shades of DMC floss. 

I think my Yellow-rumped Warbler has moved on.  I've not seen him since March 2nd.  It was a special gift to have him for two months, so no complaints from me.  Now the Song Sparrows are serenading me in the morning.  Spring is just around the corner they say. 

Blue on blue - Steller's Jays on a pretty day.

Most days this week have been dull and gray such as this one providing a backdrop for a Junco. 

I still have 3 or 4 Pine Siskins in the area.

I've been trying to get my Red-breasted Nuthatches to eat from my hand, but no luck this week.  The Chestnut-back Chickadees might also be good candidates for hand-feeding. 

Thursday I counted four House Finches - the most I've seen this winter.


  1. Lovely stitch Beth very pretty...have to share what I have been enjoying each morning at 7am like clock work Bald Eagle 🦅 sits at the top of a tree in our yard he is about 45 ft from my window....we have a pair that nests not far from our home he & she love to scout the river & lake♥️

  2. Beth, your flash back piece is beautiful and timeless. I like the colors used in the design. I hope the Yellow rumped Warbler returns. You featured wonderful pictures today.

  3. What a darling sampler Beth. I love 25ct linen. I stitch over one on it though.

  4. That stitched piece is lovely and the colors are so pretty and remind me of Spring!

  5. Such a lovely stitch Beth. Love the colors of it and of your house finch!

  6. Love this flashback stitch...gorgeous colors and design. Beautiful photos to enjoy too. RJ

  7. That is a cute little finish... the colors are perfect! You even did smyrnas! You can HAVE my Yellow Rumped Warblers (2)... I would gladly let them go visit you---they can stay if they like!! :) Maybe I will get to see the Red-breasted Nuthatch THIS year! Aha!! You must follow Leslie, the Bird Nerd... wanting to feed the birds from your hand! Good luck!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.