Tuesday, March 20, 2018

I Know it is Spring But...

I know it is now officially spring, but these two designs continue to whisper my name and I have the fabric and all the fibers so they might jump to the head of my Must Stitch Now line.

I've played with the feeders in the backyard this winter and the Juncos in particular have enjoyed and partaken in the two bark butter feeders, and the suet cylinder and suet ball feeders. I've also had action from a Hairy Woodpecker, Song Sparrows, Towhees, and Steller's Jays.   

But the other day my two male Acorn Woodpeckers came around to check out the feeders.

I did not manage to get to my camera until one bird (Dad Bird) had flown away leaving his son behind to scope things out.

Truly I cannot tell the two males apart, but this guy just looks like a young bird to me, so that's what I'm going with.

"Whatever!", he says.  


  1. Have fun stitching the Winter Solstice pieces, Beth! Be aware the stitch count is 59 x 59 and not 49 x 49 as listed on the chart.

  2. I can see why you wouldnt want to wait to stitch those two designs - they're delightful! Young acorn guy looks like he's got it all under control.

  3. There's a meme going around on Flosstube: stitch what you want, when you want. Enjoy your solstice pieces!

  4. I like your new start, Beth! I stitch Christmas year round so I totally understand your desire to start this chart :) Love the markings on that acorn woodpecker!

  5. I like your new pattern so much and I totally understand why you want to get started on it. What is the name of that linen...it's a great color. Oh my that woodpecker is so pretty. I love the colors. RJ

  6. I'm not sure my original comment went through.

    I was asking about your bark butter. Do you make it yourself or do you buy it? I thought I read in a previous post that you made it yourself.

    Love all your bird and scenery photos. Such a beautiful place where you live.

    Thank you.

    Lisa B.

  7. Cute pattern. What color is the linen you are using?

  8. I have started feeding the birds and get a lot of juncos, we are giving them bark butter and the no mess wild bird seed with peanuts. I've seen one chickadee so far, will more be showing up, do they leave for winter and come back? in BC here lol.

  9. Hello! Great photos. The Hairy woodpecker is beautiful.

  10. Lovely new patterns to stitch. Love the Acorn Woodpecker photos, I'm finally getting a lot more woodpeckers to my suet feeders, alas, no acorn woodpeckers!

  11. Oh those pretty acorn woodpeckers! We saw some for the first time in southern AZ pecking holes in someone's roof! :-) Great photos.

  12. I love birds but have always loved seeing woodpeckers. Gorgeous photos.

  13. Wow! I have been called by the very same charts! Did the other two sets... don't know WHY I never picked these! Should we have a SAL?? I did not ever see the Juncos on any suet or PB Pie feeders this season. EVERY OTHER bird, yes! Even Sparrows! Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.