Wednesday, March 21, 2018

First Walk of Spring

It's officially spring, and we are snow-free here in the Willamette Valley.

Fresh green leaves are sprouting out everywhere I look.

I think this is a Hemlock.

The bright red stems of Osier Dogwood.

A native Heuchera.

Moss and Licorice Ferns.

The Big Creek - full but still.

The Beaver dam - I need to compare photos and see if there's been any action or if the beavers were trapped and removed.

Moss, moss, and yet more moss.

Dorothy's Creek.

I'd call this a Still Life in that it is not moving, but is full of life with grasses, mosses, and decomposing leaves.

Last year's Douglas Fir cones. 

At first I thought the light colored clumps were bits of deer hair...

...but they are cup-shaped spider webs.

This wilding is about to burst into bloom!
Spring is here! 


  1. So serene and pretty, Beth. I would love to go for a walk with you. RJ

  2. I'm enjoying your photos of Spring because it's still winter in NY, I woke up to another few inches of fresh snow, thankfully avoided the worst of the latest Noreaster. I'm looking forward to going out with my camera and taking pretty Spring photo's like you have done.

  3. Wonderful walk Beth thanks for taking me I do so enjoy it just gorgeous I’m afraid it will be months here in northern MN before we look like that but I will enjoy the anticipation, time to Maple syrup is upon us now so still need cold nights as soon as Maple trees have a bud we are done...🌷

  4. Ah, that was uplifting! A promise to come! Hugs!


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