Sunday, March 4, 2018

February's Trail Camera Photos - Camera #2

Here are some of the better photos we got from the trail camera at the edge of our backyard in February.  

We got a couple of photos of California Quail.

I'm regularly counting about 20 birds most mornings.

It's no surprise that we have lots of deer photos.

Most of the time the deer look calm...

...but the does do scuffle with one another.

Then back to eating...

Here are four of the seven girls I often see in the backyard.

We did have some opossum action in the backyard.

I think the raccoon singular or plural was the most active nocturnal creature. 

We got some pretty decent 'selfies'.

Smile for the camera!

Off to the left...

...then to the right...

...back to the left...

...and peering around.

The month also including a couple of bobcat walk-abouts.

This one around 5:00pm...

...and this one in the late morning / early afternoon.

And now we wait to see what March brings.

I'm hoping for more pussy-cat photos!


  1. Wonderful Beth! Here kitty, kitty!🐾🐾

  2. Hi Beth!
    I just finished reading Birding Without Borders per your recommendation. What an extraordinary book! Thank you so much for recommending it. Books about the natural world fill me with so much happiness! The world is an amazing wonderous place with so much beauty and diversity. I love seeing the animals that you capture on your webcam. How much fun that must be to see who shows up.
    Thanks again!

  3. I always enjoy seeing the bob-cat photos!

  4. Wow!! Great photos with the new camera! I hope you get lots of Pussycat photos too!!! :)

  5. Great photos, Beth! I hope the bobcat returns next month.

  6. Such great photos of your "neighbors!" Do the bobcats ever bother your kitties, Beth?

  7. Very nice - I still need to get mine sorted out. Note to self.....

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  8. Great variety of critters on that camera. I think because they are so unpredictable, the Bobcats always take my breath away! Hugs!


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