Saturday, March 3, 2018

February's Trail Camera Photos - Camera #1

Our original trail camera died at the end of January.  We sent it in for repairs and were told we were better off to buy a reconditioned camera.  So we did and received the 'new' camera about the 20th of February.

We set it up just in time to capture a few photos of our snowfall on the 21st.

It was in an auto-mode of some sort that took several photos every five minutes.

A day later there was still a bit of snow.

We did have an opossum come by.

The daytime photos look really crisp and clear.

Deer #1 coming up from crossing Dorothy's Creek...

Here's Deer #2...

...and Deer #3.

We've tweaked the camera settings a bit and are now ready to record any and all action for March 2018.


  1. Are you liking your new camera Beth? It seems to take very good photos. I love how the deer came by for a visit. RJ

  2. Nice photos with the new camera, good luck with it!

  3. Glad to see the camera is working! The photos look good.

  4. How do you like the new camera? I can't wait to see what wanders through during the month.


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