Saturday, February 10, 2018

The Critter Count


Yep, we've got chipmunks.

A dainty eater...   

...with fat chipmunk cheeks.

The back porch is not safe buddy!

Douglas Squirrel - check!

Grey Squirrel - check!

And deer?  Check! Check! Check! Check! Check!

There are five regulars.

Fortunately only one doe has figured out how to stand on her hind legs and empty this feeder.

Don't you try it Bambi!


  1. Love today's post. It looks like Spring by you!!

  2. The deer at the feeder makes me chuckle. Great pictures, Beth!

  3. Sweet deer! I enjoy your photos and it does look like Spring already by you. RJ

  4. Chipmunks are so adorable. I love watching Squirrels. Wow the deer standing up at the feeder was a cool shot.


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