Sunday, February 11, 2018

Sunday's Hummers

Warm weather means plenty of insect activity, so the birds are not at the feeders as frequently as they were in January.

I still see them in the early morning.

And look!  A photo of an adult male!

He looks like a mini angry helicopter!

You are much calmer, aren't you?


  1. Fabulous pictures! I love the mini helicopter analogy.

  2. I didn't get to comment yesterday on the chipmunks--they are just soo cute--you want to pick them up and play with them--though--that is not what they want you to do!!! and nice hummer photos--2 of my favorite critters--chipmunks and hummers==you made my week end--
    enjoy, di

  3. Well what a darling mini helicopter you found. Your photos as always are so great. I really enjoy seeing all of the pretty birds that come to visit you. RJ

  4. He does look like a mini helicopter!! What a fun photo.

  5. What brilliant fuschia color on that one hummingbird!


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