Thursday, February 15, 2018

Lizzie Kate is Retiring!

Have you seen the news?  Lizzie*Kate designer Linda, is retiring on March 1st.  You can read about it here. It makes me sad, but gosh, for 22 years Linda has charmed and delighted us with her designs. I probably have enough charts in my stash to last another 1 years post-retirement. 

Up in the air Junior Birdman!  
Three Red-tailed Hawks.

They were soaring and crying out - it's funny but my bird feeder birds pretty much ignore the Red-tailed Hawks.  The Cooper's Hawks and Sharp-shinned Hawks send them into a panic.

Here's Chestnut-back Chickadee.

And my Yellow-rumped Warbler.

I am hoping against hope that he is around on Friday when The Great Backyard Bird Count begins as he'll be a new bird for me to list on the count.

Tuesday morning we had a low of 19f.  I'd brought the hummingbird feeders in the night before, and when I took them back outside at dawn, I immediately had customers.


  1. Like your new stitch! It will be a sad day on Mary 31st when they close up shop at Lizzie Kate. Interesting that the birds don't panic with the Red-tailed Hawks!

  2. Yes, I was sad about Lizzie Kate, but also so happy for her and her husband. Go! Get out there and enjoy retirement!! :D
    That second picture of the Yellow-rumped Warbler is so darling!

  3. I too felt sad about retirement of Lizzie n Kate they will be greatly missed....but over joyed for their new journey in life...
    I also have a stash but did add a few more😍 love the little warbler...good luck with your count.Enjoy🦅🦉

  4. Although I don't stitch these days, I felt quite sad when I read the news - LK designs always made me smile.

  5. Yes, LK has been such a fixture in the cross-stitching community for so long that it won't seem the same without those cute designs. They were always so cheerful and used such pretty colors. I like the February heart that you're starting, Beth. I need to stitch that one myself.

    Have fun with the bird count! Hope you see lots of new-to-you birds :)

  6. I think all of us are saddened by the retirement of LizzieKate... I LOVE her stuff and will definitely be stockpiling charts. Your February piece is adorable and so is your header. happy stitching!

  7. I will keep my fingers crossed that he will be around for the bird count! Very cold here too. Walter the weatherman said we might get the coldest temps of the entire winter this week-end! UG!

  8. Hi Beth! I was so sad to hear about the retirement of LK. I think her charts are so much fun and colorful. They always bring a smile to your face. She sure is a cutie pie too...who would have ever guessed she was 60 in those photos.

    Speaking of cutie pies...your warbler is darling. RJ

  9. I hope your Yellow Warbler hangs around for the big count. I was sorry to hear about Lizzie Kate retiring from designing also. I need to stock up on her charts before they can't be found.

  10. Can you imagine the frenzy online and in shops to buy up LK charts now?? ugh... We are going to see plenty of retirements and shop closures, as the community ages. Love the birds, especially the Hummers that keep coming around! They LOVE you! Hugs!


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