Friday, February 16, 2018

Bird Count Begins...

Design - "February Glows" (Snapper)
Designer - Bent Creek
Fabric - 32 count Country French Cafe Mocha Wichelt linen
Floss - WDW & GAST
Started - 15 February 2011
Completed - 18 February 2011

Here's a blast from the past - I need to get something new kitted up to stitch - stay tuned!

The Great Backyard Bird Count starts today and I can feel my competitive juices flowing! I don't compete with others, just with myself - will I see more species than last year?  Will I have a bird or two I did not have last year like the Yellow-rumped Warbler?  

I think I can pretty much count on seeing multiple Steller's Jays.

This year I'll have Red-breasted Nuthatches which I've not enumerated in past counts.

I had two birds at the feeders a couple of days ago...

...and once again I was able to entice one to eat out of my hand.

Such a smart looking little bird.

I should see a Fox Sparrow or two...

...and I'd darned well better see my Yellow-rumped Warbler.  If this birds dares to go AWOL during the count...Well it would be a humbling turn of events!


  1. Best wishes on your bird count, Beth! Hmmm, I'm thinking that Mr. Yellow Butt better put in an appearance. Nice stitch from the past! I stitched that entire series -- 4 pieces of fabric with 3 vertically stitched on each piece. They hang in the guest room. Enjoy your Friday!

  2. Good luck with the GBC! Hope the Yellow-rumped Warbler visits you, or some other really great, RARE bird! Nice Valentine finish! Hugs!

  3. Your blast from the past is pretty. I like doing small pieces, makes me feel like I am getting lots of stuff done! Lol
    That Stellar Jay is mighty pretty. ;)

  4. Cute stitch Beth! Love that Stellar Blue Jay...what a gorgeous color. RJ

  5. The nuthatch ate from your hand? Ohmigoodness! That is extremely cool! Good luck on the bird count!

  6. Good luck Beth. Keep that special butter they like out and available!!


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