Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Snow Finish

Design - "Snow"
Chart - "Winter Smalls"
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - 32 count Light Mocha Belfast linen
Fibers - WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 27 January 2018
Completed - 28 January 2018

I started this Saturday evening while attending a U of O basketball game and finished it up Sunday afternoon. "Winter Smalls" has four designs, and I think I'm going to stitch a couple of others. 

No snow, or even cold temps here. 

The Song Sparrows are singing away like it is spring already. 

Here's a Golden-crowned Sparrow.  I've yet to see a White-throated or White-crowned Sparrow this winter.

I'm afraid my Yellow-rumped Warbler has moved on.  I saw him Sunday morning, but have not caught a glimpse of him since.  Still having him around for 28 days in a row is no small gift.

My Acorn Woodpeckers were active on Sunday.


  1. What a darling snow stitch, Beth! Well done!

  2. What a cute finish, Beth! That would be a nice piece to add more snowmen/women to and personalize it for a family...

  3. I love the snowmen! I don't have any of the LK Winter Smalls designs, but will definitely have to look for them. It's always great seeing all the birds that visit your yard. Since we lost so many trees last year, I don't have many birds visiting anymore.

  4. Well that snow stitch is adorable. I think I might have to order that one...it's the cutest. And so is the pretty sparrow. RJ

  5. That's a very cute little design! That Warbler was a treat to see! Even if I only saw it on your blog!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.