Monday, January 29, 2018

Getting Closer

I'm reasonably certain that I'll be able to share this as finished by the end of the week.  Love the periwinkle fabric and all the bright variegated floss colors.

I very much appreciate everyone who follows this blog.  And a special shout out to new Commentors: Rebecca from PA and Sonja from Germany. I do try to answer comments and questions, so if you do not hear from me it is probably because your Blogger set up is as "No-Reply". 

I've mentioned to Frances that I've had non-stop hawk activity the past few days.  Usually is is a Cooper's Hawk.

But on Saturday morning, a very small Sharp-shinned Hawk made a surprise attack on my Juncos.  He did not get any, and in fact got tangled in the wire fencing that protects one of my sister's garden patches.  This bird is so small that at first, I thought it was a robin. But no, it was a fierce little hawk.

All the Juncos got away scot-free!

And thankfully the Yellow-rumped Warble was not present.

I'd have go into a prolonged period of mourning if he'd been a victim. 

I think this is my favorite photo from the past few days.  If you enlarge it you can see the tiny rain droplets atop the Fox Sparrow's head.


  1. I am glad the hawk didn't get any of the juncos. Way to go on your snow piece! I really like the fabric and the threads use, Beth.

  2. What a wonderful picture of the fox sparrow. So glad that little warbler avoided the hawk!!!!

  3. Wonderful looking hawk - although I am not sure that the rest of the birds in the post are as pleased to see it!

    Cheers - Stewart M - (back in) Melbourne

  4. Scary hawk!!! Glad he didn't get a snack from your yard!!!
    I love the chest feathers on the warbler and the sparrow. Those variegated feathers are so beautiful! Isn't nature amazing!

  5. We've been having trouble with a hawk near our bird feeders just recently, Beth. Not sure what kind it is, but I don't think it is the same as yours. Oh that little Warbler is darling--so glad he wasn't around.

  6. The little Warbler is so sweet and I'm so glad the Hawk did not get a glimpse of him. Your photos always amaze me. RJ


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.