Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Wednesday's Frosty Walk

Brr!  I hope you have a hat and mittens.

It's cold and frosty outside.

Even the bracken fern are coated with frost.

Icy teasle.

Hazel brush

Icy catkins on the hazel brush.

Last year's daisies.

Hawthorne berries - where are the Cedar Waxwings?

A leaf rimed with frost. 

This once was a cluster of blackberries.
Brr!  Time to come in out of the cold. 


  1. How beautiful everything looks with the coating of frost! Lovely photos.

  2. What a beautiful walk indeed. Thank you Beth. RJ

  3. It is cold and frosty here too. But it sure is pretty from inside. We did get a lot of snow in the mountains yesterday!

  4. So much beauty! I haven't seen a frost like that in -- maybe never!

  5. You've showcase winter's beauty at its finest, Beth!

  6. How pretty everything is, coated in frost! A true Winter Wonderland!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.