Thursday, December 21, 2017

Christmas Decorations - Part One

Design - "Milk and Cookies Santa"
Designer - Sisters and Best Friends
Fabric - 26 count Hickory Heatherfield
Fibers -DMC
Started - 26 December 1997
Completed - 14 February 1998

I think that milk and cookies is what fuels me this time of year.  How about you?

My mom, sister, and I have made the house fairly merry this year.  Let's take a look.

Faux greenery with white lights twines up the stairwell.

In the living room, the Big Tree decorated solely with white lights. 

There are just two grandchildren in our family.  My nephews are now 25 and 21 years old.  Each year my mother has taken a photo of them posed in front of our Christmas tree.

This white feather tree is adorned with gardening / nature ornaments.
Most of them are designs by Marjolein Bastin. 

On to the family room...

The hearth - Parvati's stocking is on the left.

At 6' tall, this is our main Bird Tree.

Here's a close up of some of the ornaments.
A pheasant

Bird house

Blue Jay




Near by are two small trees with bird house ornaments.

In a place of honor in the middle of the media center is my sister's and my collection of hand-carved wooden Santas.

A Noah / Santa

Too Big Hat Santa

I also decorate with salt and pepper shakers...

...this is a very small representation of my collection.

And I have festive Emma Bridgewater 1/2 pint mugs.

Enough for a couple of shelves.

Another theme - desserts!
This tree is atop a bookcase in the family room... are these two.

I'll continue the Festive Tour on tomorrow's post.


  1. I agree whole heartedly with Santa's motto!!
    Oh I am sure being only two grandchildren has its pluses at Christmas! ;)
    Love the bird tree so very much. The house looks wonderful.

  2. Oh Beth!! So beautiful! I love your trees and home decorations! Fantastic! Thanks so much for sharing! Love and wishing you + yours the happiest of holidays and a joyous and prosperous New Year!!

  3. What a gorgeous tour you have given us! I really like the tree with just the lights on it. Your bird tree is stunning.

  4. I am enjoying your Festive Tour.

  5. What a wonderful tour! I love all of your theme trees but especially the bird and birdhouse trees. Great collections too. Your home looks so pretty and so festive. RJ

  6. Everything looks so bright and cheery and, yes, festive!

  7. Your family has some wonderful collections. IO love the Santas and the bird tree is just so perfect for you. Everything is beautiful and it looks so peaceful not a bit cluttered as at times big collections can look.

  8. What a delightful home you have--and so many trees! I feel like a slacker with just my cross stitch tree and a snowman tree in the kitchen :) I really LOVE the gardening tree--Marjolein Bastin designs are the best!

  9. Thanks for all the beautiful photos throughout the year! I love your big tree in the living room with the white lights. So pretty! Your decorations are lovely!
    Merry Christmas! Angie

  10. I look forward to seeing your trees every year! What a joy to see them even now, long after Christmas! Of course, everything bird-related is delightful, but in reality, EVERYTHING is delightful to see! You do a great job each time! Hugs!


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