Saturday, November 11, 2017

Saturday's Critters

Most mornings Parvati goes on patrol. Her favorite spot is near the front bird feeders. She can sit like a Sphinx for 30 minutes or more.   

This is what Parvati is hoping to find.  Not sure what kind of little rodent this is.  I saw two of them darting out of the plants to grab and sunflower and then darting back into hiding again.

She's also very interested in the antics of the chipmunks...

...and David and Douglas.  We've had to take this blanket inside was David and Douglas were attempting to chew it into smaller pieces to use for their winter nest.

I've also had to rearrange my bird feeders.

This doe learned to stand up on her hind feet and eat out of two of the feeders.

That tongue was capable of scooping up lots of seed!  

Hunting season is over and Buck Rogers is all about love. 

Normally the bucks are very skittish...

...but right now his hormones are in over-drive and he is extremely focused.

He stretches out his neck and snorts and grunts...

...and chases...

...the poor does who are less than impressed.


  1. Great deer 🦌 photos especially the one standing ...they are very adaptable animals we see that often here in MN! I learned long ago to put my feeders up high they can be worse than squirrels during winter😂

  2. That looks so much like a short haired guinea pig it's crazy! However, I do believe you have a vole there Beth.

  3. I think that unidentified critter is a vole or mole. I can't keep them straight. Your buck is a handsome fellow. Hunting season began here a week ago and will run through to New Year's. Enjoy your day, Beth!

  4. I think the other commenters are correct and the little guy holding Parvati's interest is a vole. Occasionally one will dart across my front walkway from one garden hiding place to another.

    That doe was probably quite proud of herself for figuring out how to get to the treat. Thank you for the belly laugh!

  5. That is TOO funny, how determined that deer was to get to your bird food! Wow! We thought squirrels were devious! I thought that was a guinea pig too! So can't wait to see how you rearrange the feeders... Hugs!

  6. Well that little vole is really cute. Parvati had quite a walk and got to see alot. I think the doe is so smart and quite good at getting what he wanted. Great photos Beth. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

  7. I have seen lots of squirrels at feeders, but a deer!! What great photos!!

  8. That is one crafty deer! The photos are cute!
    Your kitty is so beautiful!


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