Sunday, November 12, 2017

Friday's Surprise - November 3rd

Parvati and I were sitting on the back patio a week ago Friday (11/3).  She was dozing and I was reading when around 4:30pm I looked up to see...  

...a bobcat pop out from behind the shop into the backyard. 

I stayed seated, but quickly grabbed my camera and popped off a few shots.

The animal was very intent and focused...I don't think it saw me as it never looked in my direction.

It moved at a brisk pace, not running, but moving with purpose.

About five minutes after it left, there was a ruckus from the quail in the brush.  I expect that the bobcat was the cause.


  1. Amazing! Still freaks me out that you have so many big animals around you. Wow!

  2. Wow. Thank God you have never lost a cat to one of these.

  3. What incredible Bobcat pictures! I hope there wasn't much loss in the quail group. Enjoy your Sunday, Beth!

  4. It was DEFINITELY intent on some prey! Very focused... You sure got some great shots! But... phew!

  5. You certainly were in the right place and the right time. What great shots and such a beautiful cat.

  6. Just spectacular photos! What a beautiful cat, truly blessed to live where you enjoy nature in all its finest and share it with all of us Thank you! Much appreciated....❤️

  7. Wow what awesome shots of the bobcat. Hope you were holding tight to Pavarti. RJ

  8. Awesome pics! Love it! Nature I'm action.
    Luv MaryO1230

  9. That is one powerful looking cat!!

  10. What a great thing to see! I would love to see any form of wild cat - not done that yet.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  11. These are fantastic shots, you are so lucky to have had your camera with you at the time. I hope the bobcat would not be interested in Parvati!

  12. What a beautiful animal! Very lucky that you were able to get the photos.

  13. Gorgeous bobcat! He looks so regal


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