Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Wednesday's Walk

We should take a walk, but as it is raining we'll time travel back 24 hours to Tuesday morning.
Off we go!

The dark gray skies of an approaching storm.  Walk quickly!

The Big Leaf Maples are bright yellow.

Catkins on Hazel brush.

The perfectly named Rabbit's Foot Clover.

Big Leaf Maple close up.

Hawthorn berries.  Where are the Cedar Waxwings? 

I see Chickadees flitting in the Douglas fir trees eating the seeds in the cones.

A Study in Brown. 

A pop of color with a green background. 

It'll be easier birding when the leaves are all gone!


  1. So much easier to get photos without the leaves, each season certainly has it's benefits. I will have to look to see if we have the rabbitfoot clover here, so appropriately named!

  2. Thanks for the walk, I so enjoy them ;) It has been very dreary the last two days in Indiana. Yesterday it was so gloomy it felt like it was night-time.

  3. Yeah, threatening to rain here also... but you managed some great pictures to share! Autumn is definitely starting to arrive!

  4. What a wonderful walk I had with you today. Thanks Beth. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

  5. Delightful walk, thank you! It's especially fun to see things - like the rabbits foot clover - that are new to me.

  6. Great seeing all the signs of Fall. It has made a difference here too in just the week we were gone.

  7. I've been so busy here preparing for the wedding that I haven't had a chance to take a nice fall walk--thank you for sharing, Beth!

  8. I love your blog.
    Birds and cross stitch, what else is there? Actually, anything outdoors!
    Thank you so much.
    I'm not sure I know where you are located!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.