Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Boo to You!

Design - "Boo" Celebrate series with charm
designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - 32 count Light Mocha linen
Fibers - WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 7 October 2017
Completed - 13 October 2017

I ran out of WDW "Havana" and substitured GAST "Cocoa" for the tree on the right. I like the colors used in this design, and as I think we have two juvenile Great Horned Owls, the owl duo is especially appropriate.

Who else is flitting about?

Pine Siskins and Black-capped Chickadees...

...the sunflower heads are a magnet for the smaller birds.

There's a Red-breasted Nuthatch at the peanut feeder most days.

Kudos to anyone who can eat upside down...

...or sideways.

On a weekend foggy morning I heard and then saw a Bewick's Wren. 

The mechanical chattering and the white eyebrow help ID the bird. 

While it never comes to the feeder, it does hang out with feeder birds like finches, chickadees, juncos, and towhees. 

Here's looking at you Bewick's Wren!

I had another rarely seen bird - a Hutton's Vireo.

I waffled between vireo and kinglet, but decided with the white eye-ring, wing bars, bill shape, and size it was a vireo.

The bird also 'chattered' which helped to ID it.

Come back again soon!


  1. What a fun piece you finished, Beth! I would love to flit about in your yard.

  2. Love that finish! I can't wait to stitch it myself. So cute!

  3. Yay--another cute finish! Great birds... I was bemoaning the fact that I have not seen any Vireos yet...I saw the backside of one, but I do not count that! We were out looking for a Philadelphia today that someone saw Sunday, but... too windy and cold! Great Bewick's Wren there... Eventually I expect that the Carolina wrens hanging around my house will find their way to the feeders, when I get the right combination of food out there! Working on it! Hugs!

  4. LOVE your finish. BEAUTIFUL bird pics too. So lovely! Thanks!

    San Pedro, CA

  5. Your finish is really delightful. That vireo is a pretty little bird. I also just love the picture of the bird and the head of the sunflower. Great photo Beth!

  6. Gorgeous finish Beth- I do love Lizzie Kate! What sweet birds, especially the chickadees.

  7. LK stitch is adorable and more great bird photos. You are so good at bird ID.


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