Monday, October 16, 2017

A New Week A New Stitch

Artful Offering's "Mr. Owl's Evergreen Gala" is kitted up and ready to go.  I think this will be a fun owl to stitch.

What do you think?

How many Cedar Waxwings can you count?

I think there were around 25 birds.

Cedar Waxwings often hang out in large social groups. 

And Varied Thrush often hang out with...

...American Robins.

Even though it has been raining, this Song Sparrow decided it was time for a bath.

Splish splash.

I've counted as many as 6 Golden-crowned Sparrows, while my White-crowned Sparrows have gone AWOL. 

Nuthatches have become 'regular' birds this summer and fall.

They are fun to watch at the peanut feeder.

As are my sweet Chestnut-backed Chickadees.


  1. What a cute piece your next stitch is, Beth! The Varied Thrush looks ready for fall with his color.

  2. Nice Stitch to start...WOW! Amazing birds...Keep the pictures coming😍

  3. Owls are awesome. I've only seen one, once, in the wilds here on Long Island but maybe I don't look hard enough -- they are supposed to be everywhere. I wish I had better owl eyes.

  4. I love the photos of the birds taking a bath!! That owl stitch is so cute!!

  5. The varied thrush is a beautiful bird! It was fun seeing the waxwings all lined up ... and the sparrow bathing, too. Always a joy to see your bird visitors! Lovely pic of the hawk, too.

    Your new stitch looks like fun and I love the colors! (um ... I'm trying to chart something and that light orangey-gold to the right of the dark gray looks like just what I need - would you mind sharing what color it is?)

  6. I guessed 25 and THEN saw the answer you gave too! Great minds! Or Eyes! Going to love the Owl stitch when it is done. I have not seen any crowned sparrows of any type yet this year... some have seen white-crowned around here. I am hoping! And the white-breasted Nuthatch is a regular so far on my feeder! May get some peanuts for it! It is going for the sunflower seeds but throwing many around! Thanks for sharing! Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.