Sunday, September 17, 2017

Sunday Is Humming Along

I've been trying to get photos of the Rufous Hummingbirds as they will not be around much longer.  But, hey, it's much easier to photograph the Anna's as seen above. 

Okay, here's an Anna's on the left and a Rufous on the right.

Rufous - now I'm on a roll!

A Rufous taking nectar from teasle.

The individual flowers are so small, I'd think there was not much to eat. 

The beginnings of a throat patch indicate an immature male. (This year's hatching).

Here's my adult male Anna's.

I've not seen him for a while.

I do like how he glitters...

...and glows.

Stick around buddy!  


  1. Great hummer pictures, Beth! We have noticed our numbers have been decreasing this past week. I think it is the weird weather we have been having. Enjoy your day!

  2. What a great series of pictures! Love those hummers!

  3. Some of my faves! It WILL be sad to see them leave... Hugs!

  4. Oh what sweet photos. I love that first photo of that cutie. RJ


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