Saturday, September 16, 2017

Saturday's Critters

So is this cute or what?

I'm not sure if he was eating the salvia blossom, or just shredding it.

Someone has figured out how to climb up the front feeders and raid the stash of sunflower seeds. 

Please stay down at the woodpile.

The two Douglas' Squirrels (Tamiasciurus douglasii) have become regulars.

I've named them David...

...and Douglas assuming that they are named in honor of the naturalist David Douglas. 

They are very inquisitive.

And have quickly gotten used to my presence.

Parvati and I watch the Brush Rabbits most mornings.

They come out of the thicket to have breakfast.
Small bunnies...

Larger ones.

Eating sunflower leaves...

...and tomatoes.

Everyone loves a good tomato.


  1. The squirrels steal my cherry tomatoes here. The bunnies don't seem to like them. They prefer the carrots that my daughter and her boyfriend were feeding them. Those tiny squirrels and chipmunks are so adorable. I bet they give you plenty of joy with their antics.

  2. What no birds??? I enjoy all the animal photos. We have some critter that takes a single bit out of our many tomatoes, I don't mind sharing but eat it all!

    I'll look up David Douglas, never heard of him. My favorite author/naturalist is Farley Mowat. Have a great weekend watching your backyard critters.

  3. What fun critter pictures today, Beth! I actually saw a chipmunk on the way to the farmer's market this AM. First one I have seen since June. Enjoy your weekend!

  4. Enjoyed seeing all these little guys! Made me realize that I have not seen ANY such critters in my yard or area of late... of course, today we have wind from Jose passing by, but really, of late, not a single one. Hmmmm.... It's going to be a good day to blog tho! Hugs!

  5. Squirrels are quite adorable but boy do they do damage around here by getting into attics. The bunny is so sweet. Your photos are always wonderful. RJ


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