Saturday, September 30, 2017

Saturday's Critters

The chipmunks are spending way too much time on the back patio.

It's impossible for Parvati to ignore them. 

I run interference as best I can.

The bunnies stay a bit further away...'s safer out in the yard.

And the eating is better.

These two were playing Chase!

The quail can overwhelm the bunnies...

If they get too close, the bunnies will start and hop away.

These two birds look like they are watching an exhibit.  "Wild Bunny" it's called. 

Blackberries anyone?

Six deer...

Too many - they have a pecking order and some of the 'lesser' deer moved off.

Getting it figured out...

Who goes where?

Not there lady!


  1. Delightful pictures, Beth - I enjoyed seeing your visitors!

  2. Great commentary!! The last deer is on the wrong side of the fence! They have no fear of us humans anymore. Have a great weekend, Mary

  3. Your place is such a hive of activity!

  4. Another great Saturday series! Wow---so many deer! I bet you are so glad you have invested in that fencing! Hugs!


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