Sunday, August 6, 2017

July's Photos - Trail Camera #2

The backyard camera captured deer - and nothing else...

So I culled the best of the photos...

Here's a close up...

This one made me laugh!

Quail and deer

Tongue sticking out.

Quail couple and deer.


Striding along.
I've resited the camera and messed with it a bit. Hoping to get more variety in August.


  1. Neat shots, I really need to set up a trail camera, its fun to see who is visiting you! Mary

  2. Beyond wonderful! πŸΎπŸ˜ƒ

  3. I love the sweet deer--especially the funny one where the deer is checking out the camera!!! I know you always look forward to seeing what is going on around your home!

  4. Perhaps it is too hot for all the critters to get out and about like they have done in seasons past! I hear that you guys are having some pretty unusual weather along the northwest states... more hot! Ugh!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.