Monday, August 7, 2017

Back Home Again

I am going to stitch the hummingbird and goldfinches and...who knows what else. As soon as I get settled and organized.

Do you think Parvati has forgiven me for leaving her at home?

The birds are my reward for returning home.

A female Downy Woodpecker.

A female Hairy Woodpecker...

Mmmm - suet!

A young Red-breasted Sapsucker.

Male Acorn Woodpecker.

Here he is again.

A young male Flicker.

An adult male Flicker.

Adult and youngster.


  1. I have that PS chart. I haven't stitched it yet. (not uncommon!) I'll be interested to see your stitching!
    I love that male acorn woodpecker shot-looks like a professional took that photo!!!
    As always, beautiful pictures

  2. Love Prairie Schooler! Great bird pics! Parvati will forgive you -- eventually. :D

  3. I had that leaflet and stitched four: Hummer, Cardinals, Goldfinch and the little Brown bird next to the brown birdhouse (which one it is, I no longer remember!!)... They are still up on my wall (I have not changed it out for summer... maybe Fall)... I am stitching a PS one now... Birdsong II. An easy stitch, going well. Thanks for sharing! Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.