Tuesday, August 1, 2017

August Blog Header and It's a Doozy!

Garden Grumbles and Cross Stitch Fumbles August 2017 Blog Header

Rows from left to right as follows:

Row #1: Curtis Boehringer, "123 August" - "August"; Hands on Designs, "A Year in Chalk - August"; Nikycreations, "Monthly Animal Series - August"; Heart in Hand, "Monthly Markings - August"; Heart in Hand, "Monthly Journal - August".

Row #2: Heart in Hand, "Monthly Mania - August"; Lizzie Kate, "Yearbook - August"; Curtis Boehringer, "123 August" - "Watermellon".

Row #3: Lizzie Kate, "August Stamp"; The Prairie Schooler, "A Prairie Year" - "August"; Sam Sarah Designs, "Baubles - August"; Lizzie Kate, "August".

Row #4: The Bent Creek, "August Rings"; Lizzie Kate, "A Bit of August"


  1. Love them all and have most of them in my stash or started.


  2. Great header! I think the whale is my favourite

  3. Lovely August header...🌻🐝

  4. I always love to see your headers! This one is so bright! Your stitching is always so nice and your fabrics are perfect.
    I have stitched the PS Watermelon...I made that entire year. I really like them. I think I have that sweet whale in my stash. I'll have to check on that.

  5. I think that header is just right for August!!

  6. Beautiful! Especially the sunflowers! Woo hoo! 🌻

  7. Ooh, I like them all, but I think the sunflowers are my favourite.

  8. Yes, chock full of goodness! Thanks for sharing the titles! Hugs!

  9. Wow! Is that a great header! I don't think anyone has more stitched monthlies than you, Beth. I think I only have one lone August finish and that is the sunflower one in the lower left corner. I need to get busy!!

  10. Fantastic! I always love your blog headers. This one is definitely a doozy!

  11. What a super patriotic piece you stitched up, Beth! Love the heron in flight photo! Enjoy your weekend.



Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.