Monday, July 31, 2017

My Michigan Adventure - Monday 7/31

I hope this is not confusing...
I had some posts started with stitching progress and did not have time to post them while I was on vacation.  So travelling back in time, here's my progress on this Curtis Boehringer stitch.

On Monday, July 31st, we drove to Holland, MI which fronts Lake Michigan.
The warm temperatures, white sand, and colorful umbrellas combined to remind me of Mexican beaches.

Lots of people enjoying the lake - on and off the water.

This is the adorable Holland Harbor Lighthouse, popularly called "Big Red".
Holland, MI had aspirations to become an important Great Lake port, but by the time they dug a shipping canal, other towns had overtaken them. So now Holland, MI is most famous for the number of people with Dutch surnames... 

...and the Windmill Island Gardens.

The gardens were in peak bloom.

The De Zwaan Windmill is the only authentic, working Dutch windmill in America.  My sister and cousin climbed the 5 stories to the top, I declined!

Birds and blooms.

It was a charming setting...

..with a four columns street organ and replica Dutch buildings.


  1. Oh thanks for sharing Holland Michigan Beth. It sure is pretty.

  2. Didn't know there was a lovely Holland town in USA. Beautiful settings & blooms.
    love Annette

  3. Another 'must visit'.! Beautiful!

  4. Holland is such a pretty town!!

  5. That looks like such a pretty place to visit! And you got there when the gardens were in full bloom! Perfect timing! San Francisco had two windmills down on the beach, used for irrigation way back in the late 1800's until they were no longer needed. They were restored in the 80's but I wasn't there anymore... One was a dutch one as I recall... I am sure they worked in their time, because when you traveled along the 'Great Highway' parallel to the beach, all the trees were wind-bent towards the east.... lots of wind! Thanks for sharing!


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