Saturday, July 22, 2017

All Kinds of Critters

Something for everyone this Saturday.

Lots of bunnies.

They especially like clover and dandelions.

Big brown eyes

Bunny backview

Baby Bunny

Isn't that sweet?

Parvati was on patrol when a doe came by. 

The doe was interested...

Parvati beat a retreat...

Now take a good look at the gate where Parvati is sitting... 

On Sunday the 16th this bobcat ducked under the gate and marched up our front sidewalk!

We watched from the dining room window as the cat got spooked and left the front yard.

Bobbed tail = bobcat

I think this must be the male that we've seen in the backyard the past month. Scary as Parvati likes to hunt for mice on the front sidewalk.  Know that we are committed to supervising all her outdoor time so that she stays safe.


  1. Oh wow what fantastic photos!

  2. What wonderful photos, Beth! Somewhat scary with the bobcat on your front sidewalk though. Enjoy your weekend!

  3. Oh yikes on the bobcat! I'm glad you watch Parvati during outdoor time!

  4. Beth, spectacular photos!! Love the Bobcat❤️... what a fabulous place you live...thanks again for always sharing..blessings

  5. Wow! Parvati really needs to be watched. That Bobcat is quite an animal.

  6. Just had another marvelous moment looking at your pictures. I sure would be scared for my cats with the bobcat so close... but at the same time it's such a chance to be able to see and picture one... Thanks again a lot for the infos on the trail cam, now I feel really excited by the idea of saving money and getting one for Xmas ! Of course no great animals to picture here, but it could be great just to have a close view on the local birds :-)

  7. Yikes! That is pretty close. I KNOW you keep watch on Parvati! Hugs!

  8. Great photos, but wow, it would be scary seeing the bobcat that close and walking towards your house. I know you will do whatever it takes to keep Parvati safe. Hopefully the bobcat was spooked enough not to come back.


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