Monday, June 12, 2017

We have Fledged and We are HUNGRY!

I brought this stitch back out to work on. I began in April and set it aside without doing much. We'll see how it goes...

This is such a fun time of year to watch the birds. 

The nestlings have fledged and they are loud and charmingly awkward.

This young male Hairy Woodpecker squawked and fluttered about. 

The settled on the deer fence...

...and waited for his father to feed him.

"Dad!  I'm hungry!"

He posed nicely for me.

So many cute poses...

Meeting up again with Dad.

Feeding time!

Later on a had a mother / daughter pair.

And a mother / son pair.

Mother / daughter...

Two young female Hairy Woodpeckers.

My neighbor has a family of Sapsuckers at her feeders!
It's certainly woodpecker time around here!


  1. I'm interested in how that stitch turns looks like it is going to be very cute. Love all of your nature photos. You get the best photos of such lovely birds. RJ @ stitching friends forever

  2. Love all the hairy woodpecker family photos!! Can I ask what size lens you have to get such great photos?

  3. Oh such great times with the woodpecker fledglings! Sunday, when my granddaughter and daughter were over, the grand noticed there was a red-bellied woodpecker right outside Grandpa's window! And she KNEW it was a woodpecker, but it was just 'red' to her! Not bad for the few times we've birded together and shared!


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