Tuesday, June 13, 2017

My Gardening Efforts

Design - "Bumblebee"
Magazine - Just Cross Stitch Magazine - June 2017
Designer - Needle Bling Designs
Fabric - unknown
Fibers - Classic Colourworks - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 6 June 2017
Completed - 11 June 2017

A finish!  A finish!  Happy Dance ensues...

I think this bee is dancing too.

I received an email from Emma Farmer.  She's started a small Etsy shop.
The designs are very inexpensive and would be fun for younger stitchers too.
Take a look if you are inclined: DripDropPolkaDot.  

I devoted a fair amount of time in May and early June getting things organized in my gardening world. 

Let's take a look. 

First - the back patio.

My mom likes Agaves so we have a collection of them.

This row of plants all have orange colored blossoms. 
I'd hope to attract orioles, so far the hummingbirds are loving it.

This nook gets intense late afternoon sun - so sun-lovers like geraniums and gerbera daisies live here.

All these rather exotic succulents over-wintered in my green house!

My strawberry pot collection.  The soil on the concrete is the action of chipmunks.

More sedums.

Most of these exotics over-wintered successfully too.

On to the front porch.
With the deer fence, for the first time ever I don't have to worry about the pots getting eaten just as they come into full bloom.

Hostas and ferns to right...

Close up.

Can you tell I like blue pots?

Does this prove it?

And to the left I have more hostas, coleus, and fuchsias.

The chipmunks are digging in all the pots - so that's going to be an issue this year.  We will see how it goes.


  1. Your pots of plants look great, Beth. I hope the chipmunks find other places to dig. Congratulations on your bee finish! It looks super.

  2. Congratulations on your bee finish. It looks fantastic. Hope the chipmunks find somewhere else to create a little mischief. --Andrea

  3. Wow Beth, awesome gardening display! Love your stitching too! Great pics!!

    San Pedro, CA

  4. People always tell me I have way too many pots/garden beds.... now I can say it's peanuts and tell people to have a look at your pictures (and then feel free to get some new ones for home hahaha). Nath

  5. Your plants look lovely all up and down your porch and patio. Sorry, but I had to laugh about the chipmunks - looking at your strawberry pots (and considering the maze they've made around my herbs) I can just imagine them zipping out one hole and in another. And congrats on your finish!

  6. Wow that was quick! Your bee stitch came out adorable. Love how well all of your plants are doing too. RJ @ stitching friends forever

  7. Congrats on that Bee finish! I knew you would just whip it out! Your pots garden is looking wonderful! My ONE pot, with a hosta of some kind in it, that has been there for ten years more or less, and has only ever put up ONE flower stalk, has well over a dozen flowers/stalks this year! I have NO idea why, as we did nothing different! But Love it! Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.