Friday, June 30, 2017

Last Day of the Month - Last Start of the Month

Sub Rosa Designs offered a wonderful bee motif chart and as freebie.
I've decided to kit it up as my last start for June.

In the birding world there are still lots of newly hatched birds.

I have four active Violet-green Swallow houses.

That makes for eight parent birds working from dawn to dusk snagging insects to feed their young.

Once in a while an adult bird will rest briefly before taking flight again.

On the California Quail front we had our first sighting of babies on June 20th.
Each year we put up this sign at the bottom of our driveway to remind guests and deliverymen to drive with caution.

The baby quail are no bigger than marshmallows when they hatch and are difficult to see on our gravel driveway. 

We have at least two families.

One set of parents is looking over 5 chicks... 

...the other set has something like 11-15.

The parents stick close to the protection of the berm...

Aren't they adorable?


  1. Yes, they are adorable. And I love your sign!

  2. Beth, they are very cute! Love the freebie:) Happy 4th!

  3. Oh, my those babies are so sweet! Like all baby animals, I wish some of them would just stay tiny :)

    That is a cute freebie, Beth--hadn't seen it before! Thanks for the heads up... And Happy 4th of July weekend!

  4. Oh yes those babies are sooo sweet--I have always loved baby quails--thank you for working to keep them safe--
    enjoy the moments, di

  5. Yes they ARE adorable! So glad you put the sign out... help others to be aware. Maybe we will see baby swallow pictures soon... tho I know they are hard to capture! Hugs!

  6. Sweet as can be Beth! Love seeing the photos of them. Mary just finished that stitch and it came out lovely. RJ @ stitching friends forever

  7. Oh! Too sweet. Love the sign!


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