Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Wildflower Wednesday Walk

The cold, wet days are over.  Let's take a walk.
There are so many trees, shrubs, and wildflowers in bloom 

Our native Camas

A wild pea of some sort.


Close up 

Buck Brush or Redstem Ceanothus (Ceanothus sanguineus). 

Close up

For three years in a row, I've featured this shrub... 

Still haven't figured out what it is...


Iris tenax


Another wild pea

Wild Larkspur

This, I think, is the star of the walk!
Is there a prettier wildflower than Elegant Cat's Ears?


  1. I agree with your Star of the Walk - very unique.

  2. Oh, they are all so pretty and delicate. Maybe if I dared walk in our woods I would see some myself. Lyme Disease has become an epidemic here in western PA and I'm honestly afraid to venture out very often.

  3. I am a fan of all flowering plants, but those two pea plants really catch my eye!


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