Tuesday, May 16, 2017

More May Birds

Design - "May"
Chart - "Spring and Fall"
Designer - The Prairie Schooler
Fabric - 32 count natural linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 26 May 2014
Completed - 22 August 2014 

And here's a couple of the birds that inspired this stitch...

I think this may be a male and female.
Robins nest pretty early in the spring.

And while seeing Robins is not at all unusual, I was surprised to see...

A Cedar Waxwing.

Even weirder, it was just this one single bird.

When I see Cedar Waxwings it is usually in mid-summer to late fall, and almost always the birds arrive in flocks.

Thus far this is my only sighting, but I am hoping that it means more birds will soon follow.

In this photo you can see the red splotch on the wing that gives the bird its name.

The Grosbeaks are 'regulars' at the feeders - both the Evening Grosbeaks and the Black-headed Grosbeaks. 

I think there are about five male Black-headed, and a similar number of females, like this one.

I've counted as many as twenty Evening Grosbeaks in flight, but ten is the most I've seen at my feeders.

That's a large enough group that a pair or two might decide to stay here and nest and raise their young.  

I'm hoping. 


  1. The Grosbeaks are beautiful such lovely birds I'm enjoying a small flock of Rose Breasted Grosbeaks such stunning color they also came with a visitor one female Cardinal what a treat❤️ Just as you are enjoying the Cedar Waxwing...Mother Nature is a blessing..

  2. Your birds are so pretty... I love your pictures! And that PS piece at the top of your post has been on my mind this week... I just rediscovered I have both of the PS leaflets with these monthly designs and I think I need to stitch a few...LOL...probably all of them! Hope you are having some of the nice weather we have this week... I am sooo enjoying it!

  3. The PS robin is delightful. I am always happy to see your Cedar Waxwings!

  4. Ah! Seeing your May robin reminds me that I still have mine hidden away somewhere. The month's half-over, I need to dig him out and put him on display!


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