Saturday, May 20, 2017

Farmers' Market

We did not make it to the Farmers' Market until late in the morning.
The market was packed and much of the produce was already gone and / or picked over. (Lesson learned).

There were, however, these lovely basil plants.

And several varieties of fingerling potatoes which I love.


...and more fingerlings.

Fresh eggs...

And iris-dominated bouquets.

I heard the high pitch 'zzzeee' of Cedar Waxwings and looked up at a tree to see over 30 birds.  Of all the many shoppers bustling around, I think I was the only one to notice, and thus enjoy these wonderful bird.  Another lesson: Nature is everywhere if you only look!


  1. I'm looking forward to when the Farmers Markets open in my area, so nice to have farm fresh vegetables. The cedar waxwings are beautiful, you were so fortunate to spy such a large group. Mary@stitchingfriendsforever2

  2. I too have learned that lesson as they say "early bird that gets the worm" a good farmers market but what a treat you had with the Cedar waxwings! Enjoy your goodies..BLESSINGS

  3. Wonderful bird pic! Never see anything like that at my Farmers Market!


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