Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Stitching Again

You can be forgiven for thinking I've stopped stitching, because I pretty much have.  I started "Joyful Journal - March" back on March 7th and then set it aside until last Friday.  I picked it up and started stitching over the weekend.  I may have a finish to share before the month ends! 

While we've had lots and lots of rainy days this March, the birds still have been plentiful.

I'm not sure that I've ever had as many Black-capped Chickadees as I do this year.  Saturday evening there were 6-8 birds. 

And to top that off, the Chestnut-backed Chickadees are still active at the feeders.

The pair of Lesser Goldfinches have been daily visitors.

The male House Finches are starting to wear their courting colors.

And last week saw the return of a couple of White-crowned Sparrows.

These pretty sparrows have been AWOL since September. 

It's nice to have them back.

I am hearing, and seeing Mourning Doves more frequently.
They are courting too.

Are the Steller's Jays pairing up?  As the males and females look identical, it is hard to tell.


  1. Hooray on the stitching! As for the birds -- so many beautiful ones in your area! I love the muted red of the male House Finches.

  2. I love this little pattern. I love this whole set actually. :D

  3. Those white crowned sparrows are very pretty birds. I hope you enjoy your stitching again. We all get in slumps. I've been in a posting slump!! Just can't get motivated to post on my blog.

  4. Yay for an "almost finish!" I'm sure your can get it done by the end of the month, Beth!

    Love the striped headed sparrows--very impressive looking birds!

  5. Your photos and captions are delightful. I subscribed for the cross stitch and have been charmed by the birds and beasts. Look forward to seeing what is happening around you daily.
    M in Vancouver BC


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.