Monday, March 27, 2017

Spring is Here

Here's a blast from the past (2011). "Bouquet for March" was a delight from start to finish.
I did change the DMC color for the violets, and am pleased with my choice.  I also discovered an error in the chart - one of the cyclamen stems is not charted, but is clearly shown on the chart photo, so I added it in.

I even found a cyclamen (plant) that matched the colors of the stitched piece.  I decided that I'd use this piece to honor my maternal Grandfather.  It's a wonderful match as he had a March birthday and a special affection for cyclamen which ran rampant in his yard.  I added his initials on the left - "JWW" and the years of his birth and death - 1912-2009.  Then I stitched my initials and the year the piece was finished on the bottom right.

Design - "March Bouquet"
Designer - Cedar Hills
Fabric - 28 count R & R Irish Creme linen
Fibers - DMC
Started - 17 March 2011
Completed - 4 May 2011

Here it is framed.  I usually display it this month.  

Besides violets and cyclamens, there are other signs of spring...

We had a couple of Tom Turkeys come by on Friday.

They were in their full courting regalia.

Bright red wattle and glossy bronze breast feathers.

They were strutting their stuff.


All because of this young female.  She hurried off as fast as she could.

Three more Toms quickly followed. It's all about procreation this time of year.


  1. Wow! Pretty cool on the turkeys. I've seen wild turkeys once around here, but that was years ago.

  2. The piece you stitched for your grandfather is so very pretty Beth. How neat it is!
    Look at the lady turkey run! ;) I would too!!

  3. Just had a nice run of cooler nights - so autumn may actually be here with me!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  4. What a beautiful stitch to honour your grandfather!


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