Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Snow Day?

Design - "More Snow"
Designer - Val's Little Stuff
Fabric - 28 count Mushroom Lugana
Fibers - GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 1 January 2011
Completed - 4 January 2011

I may find a couple of inches of snow on the ground when I get up today.
I thought "More Snow" might work well to celebrate the day.

With our recent cold weather, I've had lots of Jays including California Scrub Jays...

...and the ever-present Steller's Jays.

I have a decent flock of House Finches.  This poor guy looks a bit bedraggled and has a growth on his left leg. 

A much healthier looking Junco. 

And here as promised are my 'other' chickadees - Chestnut-back Chickadees.

I only ever see these guys in the winter.

They are smaller and slimmer than the Black-capped chickadees, and they do not make the "Chickadee-dee-dee" call. 

They love peanuts and nuts, and sunflower seeds and tend to linger longer at the feeders than their Black-capped brethern.


  1. Your other chickadees are so pretty - have never seen any but black-capped ones. Looks like someone gave a regular chickadee a lovely chestnut colored jacket to wear in the cold weather.

  2. I just love both types of chickadees! All the birds are so puffed up. I can only hope it is helping them to stay warm. No snow here, just bitterly cold.

  3. Oh WOW!!! Love those chestnut backs!! Poor little male House Finch... like my 'Chester' last year. He has not been around... in fact the brood I get now are all 'newbies' to the feeders. I had a Field Sparrow visit my feeder this morning... that was a new one for the feeders! I like your project of More Snow, but not sure I want anymore!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.