Thursday, January 5, 2017

January Snows

Design - "January Snows"
Designer - Bent Creek
Fabric - 32 count French Cafe Mocha linen
Fibers - GAST & WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 5 January 2011
Completed - 8 January 2011

January Snows is right!

After three winters with no snow in our part of the Willamette Valley,

...we woke up yesterday morning to a couple of inches of snow.

The dark gray skies lingered for most of the day.

The light, icy dry snow fell until about 2pm. 

We ended up with just a bit over 4"... 

...and a Winter Wonderland.

Thankfully after the destruction wrought by our ice storm,  

...this storm looks to be 'easier' on the forest.

I could hear the Acorn Woodpeckers working on their granary tree (off to the left), but I did not see them at the feeders.  

I did have fresh water available.

The California Quail act as mini-snowplows and they made lots of trails to the feeders.

The fir boughs are ssnow-covered, but not weighted down.

Standing proud.

The clouds broke as the sun set.

We are supposed to get down to 10°F Wednesday night.
Believe me I will keep the feeders full and rotate the hummingbird feeders to that they have access to calories to fight the bitter cold. 


  1. I hope the snow stays your side of the ocean Beth, we've done well to escape thus far. I love to see it as long as it's not here!!

  2. Your snow photos are divine! I've only seen snow like that a couple of times in my life, and only when traveling!! Our snow (when we get it!) pales in comparison to your majestic photos!!! How stunning!
    *Also, I think that fat little snowman stitch is the cutest thing!!!

  3. Your Winter Wonderland pictures are just gorgeous Beth!

  4. Thank you Beth, for your wonderful pics and blog! Loving it! Happy 2017

    San Pedro, CA

  5. Glad this wasn't another destructive storm. You warm my heart, making sure your extended family have good food and water. Love the snowman!

  6. So glad to hear there has been less damage. I will be very happy to get back to rain and the 40's! The sun has been nice but at too high a price. Everett has been dealing with lots of broken water pipes!

  7. I have been a follower of yours for several years. I love your pictures. I was wondering what equipment you use to take such fabulous photos. Please keep them coming.

  8. Such gorgeous photos--hope your weather improves very soon, Beth!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.