Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year!

This postcard was sent to my maternal grandfather as a child.

I wish you all a most Happy new Year! 

Brrrrr! We are supposed to have a snow shower or two today.

Not the best hummingbird weather.

Any time it gets below freezing, I bring the feeders in a night.

I put them back outside at first light (by 7:15am).

If it stays well below freezing during the day, I'll rotate them out every couple of hours, so the birds always have a source of energy available. 

You have to admire a little bird who can survive low temperatures of 10F or below. 

I do my part to help them survive the winter weather.


  1. Happy New Year! Such beautiful pictures of your birds!

  2. Happy New Year, Beth! Thank you for helping your hummers survive the winter weather conditions.

  3. Happy New Year, Beth. The bird pictures are amazing.The little water droplets on it's beak and tail ....such detail that we normally don't see. I love taking care of the birds on Winter.....they give us such sweet song and peace.

  4. I am worried about all the bird and animal life. It is suppose to be the coldest in several years! It is amazing how adaptable they are. We do our best with feeders to help them a bit.

  5. Happy New Year!
    Those are some cold looking birds!

  6. Happy New Year to you all :)and brrr that looks cold over there ... love mouse xxxxx


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