Saturday, December 31, 2016

Last Critter Report of the Year

We've had several cold, frosty mornings. 

With lots of moisture, everything is rimmed with frost.

Even the blackberry leaves are outlined.

The chipmunks are bulking up.

We have so extremely cold weather on the way. 

So these guys are bulking up for a short hibernation. 

As we will dip into the low 'teens, I expect the chippies will hunker down.

They've been foraging on the few remaining blackberries.

Their larger 'cousins' chose to feast on black oil sunflower seeds.

A bunny greets me most mornings.

He's figured out where I scatter sunflower seeds for the ground feeders like the California Quail. 

Four deer come by once in a while.

I'll have more critter photos when we bring in the Trail Cameras to download December's photos.


  1. Beth, thank you for sharing your wonderful animal photos throughout the year, and your nice cross stitch finishes. Wishing you and yours a Happy New Year!

  2. That little chipmunk looks sooo cold!!!
    Thank you for all the wonder critter photos you do all year--
    I love seeing them--
    Happy New Year--
    love and laughter, di

  3. We are in for it too! Temps in the teens at night. We are keeping our feeders full. I do wish you good health and happiness in 2017! You are a good blog friend. Thanks for all the wonderful bird photos!

  4. Thank-you for letting me see all your wonderful birds & animals - Happy New Year from Toronto.

  5. Your critter photos are always such fun! They all look so sweet! I know we've discussed that chipmunks aren't found where I live--I guess that's why I think they're so fascinating!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.