Monday, December 19, 2016

Monday Musings

Design - "Celebrate"
Chart - "Tiny Tidings XVII"
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - 28 count French Cafe Mocha
Fibers - GAST & WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started -26 December 2012
Completed - 30 December 2012

The forecast for today is a high of 42F and a low of 40F.  If so, the ice should finally melt. Here's a look at some of the birds during the storm. 

Even my finial bird became encased in ice.

This was was a cold perch for this Cooper's Hawk.

The smaller birds were so hungry, that they pretty much ignored the hawk.

The California Quail came by daily.

I made sure there was plenty of food on the ground for them.

The Steller's Jays perched on high.

I think this is a pretty winter portrait.

I counted 20 House Finches one day.

Here's a California Scrub Jay.

I had lots of Towhees...

...up to 8 at a time.

And they posed so well...

...that I took lots of photos.

I noted a couple of Fox Sparrows and several Song Sparrows.

Brrr!  Little bird!

I will bet you are hoping for warmer weather today as well.


  1. So crazy! There must be so many downed trees and branches out there. I hope you get those warm temps so things can melt and the wildlife can find food and warmth. Hope your power is back soon!

  2. Love your cute LK finish! Your jays are beautiful. It is warm in the UK at the moment and it seems very strange to see your icy photos. Hope it warms up for you soon.

  3. Love your little stitch. We have ice here, but nothing like there! Poor animals; I hope the warmth melts it and they can be comfortable and well fed soon.

  4. I think I have that chart... Very cute little finish! I wonder if the hawk is stuck to the ice, thus no threat to the other birds! It could happen! Here's hoping the melt continues... I am only seeing a few birds these days at my feeders... But it has not been really cold like OR! Hugs!

  5. Icy...I love winter. Have always said so. Then on Sunday Indiana was hit with Ice and I fell and hurt myself badly. I'm recovering s-l-o-w-l-y. Don't bounce like I used to. I love the quail...what beauties!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.