Saturday, December 10, 2016


While we did manage to escape truly cold weather, on Thursday we had freezing rain for most of the day.

Not great weather for the Anna's Hummingbirds, so I was glad to see a couple of them out and about.

I only managed photos of the female, but there was also a male.

I watched a special on hummers on PBS this week, and an amazing number of species live very high in the Andean Mountain foothills where the oxygen is thin and the nights are very cold.

They are such tough little birds!


  1. One of my favorite birds just love them but here in MN our season is pretty short so you are lucky to still be able to enjoy them❤️❤️Have a wonderful weekend...☃

  2. Glad you managed to avoid the worst of that storm! Those tiny little hummers are mighty giants!

  3. It's just amazing how tough those little birds are.

  4. They are beautiful! Hate freezing rain. Hope things warm up!

  5. Beautiful Hummers! I wish they could stay here all year.


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