Friday, December 9, 2016

Friday Wrap Up

Design - "Silent Night"
Designer - Amy Bruecken Designs
Fabric - 25 count Rustic linen
Fibers - GAST, WDW, and DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 5 December 2011
Completed - 6 December 2011

Still no new stitching to share - sorry!

The Ravens are still in the area.  I see them a couple of times a week.

The House Finches are my 'main' feeder birds at present.

As there are no Cardinals in Oregon, I have to make do with the male House Finches for my spot of red in the winter.

Here's another regular - a Rufous Towhee.

I counted 6 of these birds the other day.

Can you tell it was a cold morning?

Not to forget Steller's Jays!  I have anywhere between 4-9 of these characters at a time.  They are very amusing to watch and to listen. They are great mimics and have a wide range of calls and sounds that they make.   


  1. Love those red eyed towhees!I don't think we have them where I live or at least I've never been fortunate enough to see one.

  2. The colors of the birds look lovely this time of year!

  3. Silent Night is a lovely piece. Those red eyed towhees can be bullies at my feeder.

  4. I like that Silent Night one... real cute! I have seen a pair of Cardinals a few times this Fall, but I know they will be around more when the weather changes for good! Not as many House Finches here this year, guess it is a new batch. Love the Towhee... hope I see some this season! Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.