Thursday, October 13, 2016

Weekly Woodpecker Report

Here's my start on Val's Stuff "Whoo Gives a Hoot?". The fabric has more blue than the photo shows as it tints to gray.  Loving the colors in this including the full moon. We are supposed to have stormy weather from now through Sunday, so I should have plenty of opportunities to stitch away.

Here's my Weekly Woodpecker Report.
I'll start of by saying that on Saturday afternoon as we were leaving for a football game, I thought I saw either a Sapsucker, or far more interestingly, a Lewis' Woodpecker.  But I did not have time to get my camera or binoculars for a better look, so who knows what I saw. A  slender bird with a red head and white on the breast. 

This is definitely a female Downy Woodpecker. 

So is this!

And here's a male Downy.

Female Downy to the left and male Hairy to the right.
I think it is very cool that I am getting a couple of different kinds of woodpeckers using the feeders at the same time.

Female Hairy

Male Hairy

This was exciting too - a female and male Hairy at the same time.

She looks pleasantly plump.

I've added plastic covers to most of the feeders now in preparation for the storms.

Here's my pair of Acorn Woodpeckers.

They've been busy storing acorns in their granary tree. 

Look at all the holes in the tree.

I see the male at the feeders, but rarely see the female.

Likewise with the Flickers - they are working on the ground or hanging out in the trees.  A female on the left and male on the right.

I think this is a young male, just beginning to get mustache color. 

It was a special week as I was treated to a brief appearance by a Pileated Woodpecker.


  1. So many wonderful woodpecker photos. I hope the bird in question returns so you can identify it. I do love the colors of your new stitching project.

  2. I have always enjoyed seeing 'your' woodpeckers... Thanks for showing the Downy and Hairy, for comparison. I keep it in mind all the time, wishing and hoping. Hopefully next week, I will get out to see some birds... Off to the mountains for the last weekend. Hope it is a good one! Hugs!

  3. Look at all those woodpeckers!
    I don't know why I thought of this, but one of my favorite cartoons as s child was Woody Woodpecker! ha


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