Friday, October 28, 2016

Another Leaf

I picked up "Swainson's Thrush" yesterday and whipped out the leaf on the right.  I have some berries, the bird's name, and the bottom border to stitch.

I've had lots of American Robins in the backyard the past few days, but no other thrushes. Instead it has been a pretty good week for woodpeckers.

While I've not seen a male Downy Woodpecker in sometime, this female is a twice-daily visitor.

She is a sweet little bird.

I'm glad that she has found a feeder setup that she likes. 

The Hairy Woodpeckers also approve of my backyard set up.

They eat hulled sunflowers... well as all sorts of nuts.

They also appreciate the shelter provided by the small trees and shrubs at the edge of the yard.

Here are a couple of ladies - a female Hairy Woodpecker and female Red-shafted Northern Flicker.

I've put out some 'bark butter' hoping to attract warblers, but no luck so far.

I also was fortunate enough to see a Red-breasted Sapsucker.

It was late in the afternoon, low light, so not wonderful photos.

That bright red head is very distinctive.

I literally jumped up and down when I noticed both Acorn Woodpeckers at my front feeders.  The female on the left, the male on the right.  (The pumpkins are gel stickers I put on the window to help deter bird strikes).

I've been seeing the male far more frequently than the female. 

I took down all the front feeders, gave them a through cleaning and refilled them with 'fresh' nuts.

I have to watch the peanuts carefully, since the rains have become, they are prone to mold almost over night. My solution is to put plastic domes over the feeders, only fill them about 1/3 full so the nuts are eaten in a couple of days, and frequently clean the feeders.

A female Flicker has been hanging out in the backyard.

I love all the different feather patterns. 

She enjoys eating peanuts.

Polka dots on the front...  

...and look at all the patterns on the tail feathers!


  1. wow! You certainly have taken some great pictures!! Even the Sapsucker ones were fine enough to see what it was, for sure! And the Flicker ones...very cool! Thanks for the tip about bark butter... I shall try that. I look forward to the next update on the Thrush doubt it will be the finish! Hugs!

  2. As always, your photos are simply lovely!
    I like seeing all those woodpeckers, and the flickers are always beautiful!
    It's a big job for you to clean all those feeders!!!
    I'm sure your feathered friends appreciate it!! ha
    Your stitching is beautiful!

  3. Gorgeous pictures (as usual)! Does your camera live on a tripod near the window that looks out into the back yard?

    Your thrush stitchery is coming along nicely. Am liking this series for how realistic the birds look stitched up.

  4. Your stitched piece is so pretty. What a great idea to use the gels on the window.


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