Monday, September 12, 2016

Back to Birds

Sorry I am late today - internet issues delayed my putting together this post.  I hope it is worth the wait.

In going through my stash - old and newly acquired, it became clear that I have lots of bird patterns.  So I'll dedicate yet another month to stitching birds. First up this cute Hands on Design pattern.

Back to birds!  "Really!" Parvati says.

Last week I had a very business-like V of geese flying south.
It's that time of the year, a time of transition.

There are only a couple of Band-tailed Pigeons still hanging around.

The Black-capped Chickadees are active.

Such sweet birds.

And I am now seeing both Golden-crowned Sparrows...

...and White-crowned Sparrows.

Besides the large group of California Quail...

...I must see anywhere from 25-50 American Goldfinches each day.
Upon close examination of this photo I notice that the birds second to the left is missing an eye, poor thing.  


  1. Beautiful pictures. That poor goldfinch, though. :(

  2. Great new start, looks really sweet. Poor little birdie!

  3. Nifty pattern - I'd say it's perfect for you!

  4. I've considered getting more of her designs, cause they are just so darn cute! Look forward to seeing that done soon! (I am behind in reading blogs, so it just may be already!!) Seeing that Goldfinch without his eye, reminds me of the male House Finches I had last summer with something wrong with their eyes. It must be some bird affliction... I am looking forward to seeing sparrows again, besides the Song Sparrow that visits me year round! Crossing my fingers that they come back to my feeders... it is slim pickings right now, with just Chickadees and Downy's mostly...Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.